In this video, Dr. Erica Zelfand explains the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary hypogonadism – the three different kinds of “Low T” (low testosterone). We [...]
Gynecomastia – also known as “Man Boobs” – happens when hormonal imbalances create swelling in the breast tissue. Most males actually begin life with swollen breasts. Parents of baby boys [...]
Just about every day in my practice, a new mom breaks down in tears. “I mean, I’m a new mom, it’s supposed to be hard and I’m supposed to be exhausted, right? I wish I could just toughen up.” All [...]
Every day in my practice I treat moms are who giving it their all and falling apart. And it isn’t their fault. . THE UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS WE HAVE OF WOMEN. It seems the odds are against new [...]