Why I don’t recommend Paracetamol for most families. Para leer este artículo en español, haz clic aquí. If you’ve ever walked into a pharmacy or raised a child, chances are you’ve heard of [...]
It could save your life. We need to talk about vitamin D, and why it’s the vitamin that might just get us through the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. We’ve known for quite some time now that [...]
What the research says about fabric facemasks and SARS-CoV-2 particle transmission Most of us have picked up a cloth mask or two since the start of the pandemic. Companies have put their [...]
Our immune systems consist of two parts: the innate (or general) immune system and the adaptive (or acquired) immune system. In this video, I explain the basics of these immune systems, [...]
What are T cells and what do they do? Dr. Zelfand explains the importance of these special white blood cells. She illuminates how T cells can transform into T Helper (Th) Cells 1, 2, 3, or [...]
In this video, Dr. Zelfand explains how our bodies react to stress and how those reactions can, if left unchecked, wreak havoc on our immunological function. Topics covered include adrenal [...]
In this video, I demonstrate how to perform the wet sheet wrap treatment, an old-school nature-cure remedy for a myriad of acute ailments like colds, flus, respiratory “crud,” pain, [...]
We share this wild planet with countless viruses, including rhinovirus (which causes the common cold), influenza A and B (which can lead to the flu), and COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), the latest [...]
As I write this post, my home office is a mess of clothes, itineraries, guidebooks, and the scattered contents of a first aid kit. I’m packing for my upcoming trip to East Africa, carefully [...]
We pick up funny thought patterns, us humans. Sometimes these ideas are planted by companies with an agenda to sell items, other times old wives’ tales get engrained into our beliefs. [...]
Why Getting the Occasional Cold or Flu Might Not Be Such a Bad Thing Every now and then I have a patient who boasts proudly, “I’m healthy as a horse! I haven’t had a cold or flu in [...]
By creating a vaccine against a relatively benign, self-limiting infectious disease, we’ve likely increased the incidence rate of another, more harmful condition. . If you’re over the age [...]