Course: Microdosing Psilocybin & LSD
Check out my brand new course! The research has moved FAST in the last two years, so I scrapped my old course on microdosing and made a new one! Featuring real cases from my medical practice, [...]
Check out my brand new course! The research has moved FAST in the last two years, so I scrapped my old course on microdosing and made a new one! Featuring real cases from my medical practice, [...]
Bad trips are a polarizing concept in psychedelics. Acknowledging that they exist can be a source of healing. Want to start a war on social media? Post something like this: “Bad trips exist.” As [...]
The science behind “Crazy Cat Ladies” Are you a cat or dog person? This question is more than just a conversational icebreaker. Your answer may determine whether you’re more or less likely to [...]
As more research emerges on cannabis and psychedelic substances like psilocybin, it’s becoming nearly impossible to ignore their medical merits. And as we look back on the history of these [...]
What does psilocybin-assisted therapy look like when clients enter the clinic on antidepressant medication? Common practice is to tell patients on SSRIs and other prescription drugs that they [...]
Moms who breastfed may be protected against cognitive decline later in life. Data suggests that breastfeeding a child may protect a woman against cognitive decline later in life. Specifically, a [...]
Smart choices for a happy brain In last week’s post I explored the ways in which inflammation can cause depression. The science shows that we cannot blame genetics alone for depression, and [...]
Move over serotonin, inflammation is the new target of depression treatment Is inflammation a bad thing? Not necessarily: Inflammation helps the cells of the immune system fight infections [...]
What vitamin B3 has to do with addiction Taking a vitamin B3 (niacin) supplement may help treat alcohol use disorder and ease the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol use disorder (AUD, [...]
The versatile vitamin’s mechanisms of action This article serves as Part 3 in my series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid use disorder. Check out Part 1 to learn about the vitamin’s use in [...]
What we know about ascorbate for withdrawal and cravings Part 2 in my three-part series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid use disorder. I first heard that vitamin C could help with opioid use [...]
Through simple body hacks, we positively affect our mood, focus, and productivity. In this video, explain the gist of how the nervous system reacts to stress, and I introduce the concept of vagus [...]
Sew a button back onto an old shirt, donate a box of old clothes you never wear, trim your fingernails, tune the guitar. These are the little things we can do to start waking ourselves up, to [...]
In this webinar recording, Dr. Erica Zelfand covers a broad range of topics including what psilocybin is, how it works, and who might potentially benefit from having access to psilocybin therapy. [...]
Although the ideal way to use ketamine in the treatment of depression and mood disorders likely entails receiving the treatment in a safe and comfortable setting, in an unrushed atmosphere, with [...]
Chaos consciousness isn’t for everyone. Dan is beaming as he declares, “Dang, you’re so beautiful! It’s such a coincidence – but there are no coincidences! – that I should [...]
Unlike conventional pharmaceuticals, psychedelic medicines offer both brain chemistry-altering science and mystical experiences. The nuances and proposed mechanisms of these synergistic [...]
MTHF-Huh? MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, a gene that codes for an enzyme of the same name. However, if the MTHFR gene is mutated, the enzyme produced is imperfectly [...]
“Detox” is one of those edgy yet deceptively vague terms used to market anything from supplements to fragrances to yoni steam baths. (Yes, that really is a thing.) But do you really need to drop [...]
In this video, I discuss the importance of overcoming obstacles in order to bring about the deepest healing possible. If a patient came in with a sore finger and I gave them anti-inflammatory [...]
In this video, I discuss some of the challenges to forgiving others that have hurt us and explore creative ways to heal our hearts anyway. I draw on personal experiences from my own life, my [...]
E-mail hyper-vigilance and compulsive smartphone use is frying your nervous system, wrecking your sleep, causing anxiety, ruining your sex life, and compromising your productivity at work. . [...]
In this video, Dr. Erica Zelfand explains the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary hypogonadism – the three different kinds of “Low T” (low testosterone). We [...]
A recent study reveals that even borderline low testosterone levels can cause depression in men. The study, which was presented at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in 2015, followed [...]
A 50 year old woman remembers the time she tried out for the cheerleading team in high school and didn’t make the cut. Scenario one: She says it broke her heart and she cried for a week straight [...]
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