Por qué no recomiendo Paracetamol para la mayoría de las familias. Click here for english. Si alguna vez has entrado en una farmacia o has criado a un niño, es probable que hayas oído hablar del [...]
Why I don’t recommend Paracetamol for most families. Para leer este artículo en español, haz clic aquí. If you’ve ever walked into a pharmacy or raised a child, chances are you’ve heard of [...]
Pain remedies your surgeon might not know about. After undergoing surgery or surviving an accident, it’s routine to receive a prescription for opioids (narcotics) – a class of drugs that includes [...]
The versatile vitamin’s mechanisms of action This article serves as Part 3 in my series on vitamin C, pain, and opioid use disorder. Check out Part 1 to learn about the vitamin’s use in [...]
Nutritional support for acute, chronic, surgical, and cancer-related pain What do humans have in common with other primates, bats, and guinea pigs? (No, not a love of cheese!) What we all have in [...]
Through simple body hacks, we positively affect our mood, focus, and productivity. In this video, explain the gist of how the nervous system reacts to stress, and I introduce the concept of vagus [...]
One of my favorite beverages this time of year is golden milk. Made from tasty, healing Ayurvedic herbs blende d with coconut milk, this drink is delicious served hot or cold. It’s also one of [...]