An Ashkenazi American on Day of the Dead, Trauma Recovery, and the Middle East. Despite it being my first autumn in Mexico, I knew the season of Dia de los Muertos was upon us when I started [...]
Psilocybin-containing mushrooms grow wild on every continent except Antarctica. Over 200 species of fungi contain psilocybin, so our planet is unlikely to be in short supply anytime soon. [...]
In this video, Dr. Zelfand explains how our bodies react to stress and how those reactions can, if left unchecked, wreak havoc on our immunological function. Topics covered include adrenal [...]
When a pregnant gorilla goes into labor, her mate paces back and forth nearby. He is alert, engaged, and fierce, ready to attack and destroy anyone or anything that may cause his female or his [...]
America’s Approach to Informed Consent (or Lack Thereof) When it Comes to Vaccination Last week I helped grade exit exams at a local medical school. I was specifically grading the students on [...]
Did you know your nervous system controls your digestive health? Well, it does! Let’s look at the two branches of the autonomic nervous system that play into healthy digestion and elimination: [...]