Women’s Health
Get in the driver’s seat and reclaim your body’s natural rhythm. I can help with menstrual issues, PCOS, fertility, postpartum issues, perimenopause & menopause, pelvic floor imbalances and more. Let’s get you feeling alive, sexy, and strong.
Hormone Balancing
Hypothyroidism affects millions of Americans, most of whom are women. The majority of cases are caused by an autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s, a disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own thyroid gland. I therefore see the value in using both thyroid-supporting as well as immune-balancing approaches in the care of those with hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include:
- Fatigue
- Brain fog or poor memory
- Constipation
- Difficulty losing weight or unexplained weight gain
- Dry skin and/or brittle nails
- Thinning hair or shortening of eyebrows
- Depression and mood imbalances
- Feeling cold all the time
- Heavy or irregular menses
- Infertility
- High cholesterol levels
Hyperthyroidism refers to a state in which the thyroid is over-functioning. This often happens in an autoimmune condition known as Grave’s Disease. Although it’s less common than hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism is a serious condition that if left untreated can cause a heart attack and other serious complications. For this reason, hyperthyroidism should be managed very mindfully and thoroughly.
The adrenal glands sit above the kidneys and produce, among other things, a stress hormone known as cortisol. The more demand and stress the body is under, the harder the adrenal glands work and the more cortisol they produce. When these glands are worked too hard for too long, however, they become tired and work inefficiently. This state is often referred to as adrenal fatigue.
The symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
- Difficulty waking in the morning
- Afternoon fatigue and possible dependence on coffee, chocolate, and energy drinks
- Difficulty falling asleep, or feeling “tired but wired”
- Craving sugar, salt, or fat
- Frequent colds and illness
- Low libido
- Increased PMS and menopausal symptoms
- Irritability, anxiety, and/or feeling very stressed out
- Inability to cope with stress
- Difficulty losing weight (especially for “apple-shaped” people)
- High blood sugar levels
Although many of us consider a monthly period to be a nuisance, it’s actually a healthy, natural, and normal sign of good health to bleed monthly. Short cycles, frequent periods, heavy periods, painful periods, and skipped periods are all signs that the body is out of balance.
Properly supporting the body to produce the right hormones during the right times of the month helps not only with menstrual concerns, but also with mood, energy, libido, bone density, fertility, and even creativity.
Using the birth control pill to regulate the period is a band-aid approach – one that congests the liver with synthetic hormones and increases the risk of breast and cervical cancers later in life. Let’s consider the root causes your hormonal imbalances so that your body may heal itself.
With our increased exposure to environmental toxicants and endocrine-disrupting chemicals, more and more women are developing polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Contrary to the somewhat confusing name of the condition, women with PCOS may or may not develop actual cysts on their ovaries. But what all of these women have in common is higher levels of male sex hormones (known as androgens).
This can manifest as:
- Acne
- Difficulty losing weight or abnormal weight gain
- Hair thinning or hair loss
- Abnormal hair growth, such as on the jaw, chest, or upper inner thighs
- Irregular menstrual cycles or skipped periods
- Infertility
- Depression
PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance, a complex response that can increase the risk of:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
PCOS is (in my opinion) best managed through a multi-disciplinary approach focusing on whole foods, nutritional supplements, herbs, and stress management. As always, recommendations will be customized to your unique needs, with the aim of nourishing your body.
Does this approach take more work than popping a birth control pill? Sure. But isn’t your health worth it?
As the ovaries prepare to “retire,” the adrenal glands, thyroid, and other systems of the body are called upon to pick up the slack. But all too many women nowadays are entering perimenopause in a depleted state, with less than a full tank of “gas.” This can make the transition from Fertile Woman to Wise Elder a turbulent and less-than-graceful time.
This hormonal change is often accompanied by a shifting focus on what we want from life. While hormone prescription can be helpful, women often want more than a “here are your drugs, goodbye” approach to health in the perimenopausal and menopausal years.
I can help answer your questions about hormone replacement therapy (HRT, or HT), and offer other strategies for helping you sail to smoother, happier waters during this time of your life.
Hormones are Inter-Connected
The adrenals kick into gear when the body is under stress, when blood sugar levels are low, or when the brain perceives danger. Since metabolism isn’t nearly as important as survival, the thyroid slows down its work.
Sex hormone production then goes haywire, causing low libido, irregular menses, and poor muscle mass.
For this reason, I consider the whole woman when considering hormone imbalances. This holistic approach makes all the difference.